Into the jobs market projects

The Air Liquide Foundation promotes integration through technical jobs by developing long-term partnerships with specialists in the field. It also supports solidarity initiatives led by employees of the Air Liquide Group.
Partnership in the field of job integration:
- Ares - projects in 2016, 2019 - the partnership starts in 2020
- Fédération Nationale des Ecoles de Production - projects in 2019, 2020 - the partnership starts in 2020
- Sport dans la ville - projects in 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019, 2020 - the partnership starts in 2020
- PTCE Vivre les Mureaux - projects in 2019, 2020 - the partnership starts in 2020
- Sci-Bono -South Africa - pilote projects in 2020 - the partnership starts in janvier 2022
138 local development projects brought by Air Liquide employees
"Dare to create your own job" in Seine-Saint-Denis
"Job dans la Ville" Academy in Pantin
A new way to equip youngsters with technical skills
A solidary restaurant: inclusion through employment
Helping Indian deprived women to launch their entreprises
Ares - France
ARI - France
Association ALYL - France
Association l'Afev - France
Providing jobs to the disabled in France
Ensuring long-term employability of youth in the Philippines
Helping battered women achieve self-sufficiency in Benin
Combining training and trades that are actively recruiting
Create your own job
Creating conditions for success for everyone in France
Creating urban-agriculture jobs in France
Creating your entrepreneurial project in Mulhouse, France
Young people receive training in Nantes
IT jobs for young underprivileged people
Development of young people's entrepreneurial skills in Delhi
Youth skills development program in New Delhi
Digital inclusion for the world of work
Production schools - France
Elan Jouques - France
Employment-driven Inclusion in Grenoble
Female inclusion through digital in Benin
Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil - France
Fostering professional reintegration with urban gardens
Fundación Tomillo - Spain
Improving the hiring potential of residents in Saint-Denis in France
Integration of visually-impaired people in France
Integration of people with little or no qualifications through digital technology
Integrating Togolese school drop-outs into the workforce
Professional rehabilitation of street children in Dakar
Supporting professional integration with a bread recycling project in France
Socio-professional integration in Romania
Re-entering the Workforce by Starting a Business
LinkedOut: a professional network for the marginalized
Partnership “Sport dans la Ville” (“Sport in the city”), France, 2020
Preparing young people for a company apprenticeship
Safety Culture and Skills Project by Ares
Promoting gender diversity in technical professions
Qualifying for shortage jobs in the Jura region in France
Sport dans la Ville, France
Stable Employment for the Young Residents of Les Mureaux
Wake up Café - France