Integration of people with little or no qualifications through digital technology
Preparing young people far from employment and / or training for an inclusive training in digital technical professions
The Simplon Foundation has set up a free pre-qualifying digital training program called “SAS”*. It aims to introduce digital professions and give people with little or no qualifications fundamental digital skills. It also addresses transversal skills, such as interpersonal communication, necessary for a successful integration. Different audiences are concerned: young school dropouts, people with disabilities, migrants and also women. The Air Liquide Foundation is supporting the organisation of a "SAS" for young people.
Dealing with the consequences of a health, economic and social crisis
The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities. The situation is all the more critical for people with little to no qualifications. Women, young people, migrants or people with disabilities are the most vulnerable in their path to socio-professional integration. These people are not aware of the various digital professions that exist, while this sector is actively recruiting. There is, therefore, a very strong need to improve their support in entering these professions.
In France, the 2020 unemployment rate for young people who have left their education without a diploma or have only obtained a middle school diploma (in the last 1 to 4 years is 47.7%. *
* Insee - French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies
Supporting people with little or no qualifications in entering digital
“BAC(K) ON TRACK" is the Simplon Foundation program aiming to promote the integration of people with little or no qualifications in digital professions. It has the following objectives:
- Accelerate the digital inclusion of vulnerable audiences and fight against illectronism
- Support the socio-professional integration of people marginalised from digital technology
- Develop a responsible, ethical and ecological digital sector
- Promote the collective impact of inclusive digital technology
Thus, the Simplon Foundation aims to fight inequalities in the labour market, all the while contributing to the diversification of the digital sector. This is why the pre-qualifying training program - called “SAS” - which it offers free of charge, is based on a holistic approach: transfer of the technical skills and the interpersonal skills necessary for integrating this professional environment.
> 1000 people supported since 2018
> 190 young people supported in 2021-2022
530 beneficiaries in 2021-2022
Simplon Foundation
A “SAS” program preparing for qualifying training
As part of its support for young people, the SAS program must allow:
- to assist young people between the ages of 18 and 25 without employment, training or a current internship (“NEETs”) through a certified training and individual support specifically adapted to their needs
- to provide them with the technical skills necessary for integrating a qualifying training at the undergraduate level (Bac + 2 or Bac + 3)
- to encourage the development of their capacity for initiative, creativity and self-confidence, as well as to equip them with a good knowledge of corporate codes
- to introduce them to the digital sector in order to encourage them to build their professional career there
Thanks to a free seven-week certified training course, with no prerequisites, the young beneficiaries will be able to master the fundamentals of digital culture, technological monitoring, the use of web tools, programming and the coding languages used. They will also be able to learn about project management methods, the Tech ecosystem and how to find employment in this sector. Learners will be assessed during professional scenarios and practical assignments. Finally, throughout their training, they will carry out a "red thread" project, attesting to mastery of all the targeted skills, which they will defend in front of a jury to obtain their pre-qualification certification.
In addition to the pre-qualifying training, the Simplon Foundation provides personalised social support for its beneficiaries: help with access to housing, internet connection, childcare, etc. The objective is to allow them to follow the training in the best conditions possible.
The Air Liquide Foundation's contribution
The Air Liquide Foundation is supporting the organisation of a "SAS" for 20 to 24 young people in Ile-de-France. Air Liquide employees will be able to get involved through individual mentoring or presentations during various SAS workshops.
“The choice of an active pedagogy is particularly suited to digital professions, where professionals must self-train throughout their careers, as well as pass on their knowledge to their peers.”
Adrien Mas, Creative Developer / Designer, La Digital Factory
“The Simplon Foundation promotes a solidary, inclusive and eco-responsible digital technology in the service of Man and nature, in a non-profit and general interest purpose. Its mission: to strengthen the positive impacts of digital technologies, useful for people and virtuous for the environment, in close coalition with the inclusive digital ecosystem.”
Bénédicte Pasquet, Head of Programs, Women & Neets, Simplon Foundation