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Respiratory Research

The Air Liquide Foundation supports scientific partners in the European Economic Area who are carrying out fundamental and epidemiological research projects in the field of Human Respiratory Health, as well as projects linking Human Respiratory Health and air-related environmental factors. The aim is to encourage a new generation of researchers and support innovative projects with high impact potential.


A prerequisite to breakthrough innovation, basic research needs support.
The Air Liquide Foundation draw on Air Liquide’s expertise of the Group's employees, who are the link between the research teams and the Foundation in selecting and monitoring projects.

We finance innovative projects with high impact potential, lasting 3 to 5 years in the European Economic Area.

The Foundation draws on the expertise and geographical presence of the Air Liquide Group. With its track record, adaptability and early-stage positioning on projects, it is an effective complement to public intervention.


"The support of the Air Liquide Foundation are additional means on a risk-taking issue. We exchange a lot with the Air Liquide sponsors of the project and we share the same desire to serve the general interest. Discussing with experts from the business world, who also come from civil society, is a valuable contribution to our reflection."

Gaëlle Uzu, IRD Research associate at the Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (Institute of Environmental Geosciences) at Grenoble Alpes University