Research projects
To advance science in the field of respiratory diseases and air quality, the Air Liquide Foundation identifies scientific teams, universities, and research organizations that are dedicated to these themes, or is approached by scientists who present their project and their need for support.
Scientific Research Collaborations
To assess the quality and relevance of research projects, the Foundation systematically requests the help of experts, doctors and researchers from the Air Liquide Group. Exchanges and visits to the laboratories often take place before the project is sent to the Foundation's Scientific Committee, and then to its Board of Directors for decision.
Click to discover the Research organizations with who the Foundation has signed support agreements since 2018 (with mention of the projects dates):
- Grenoble Alpes University - 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
- Pasteur Institute - Paris 2018, 2020, 2021
- François Jacob institute of biology and Institute of Cellular and Molecular Radiobiology (The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission - CEA), - 2020
- KU Leuven, Belgium - 2020, 2021
- Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) - 2021
- Fundació Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona - 2020
- LEFE, France- 2019
- Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris - ARCEAR (Association for Clinical and Experimental Research in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care)- 2020
- Cochin, Paris - Robert Debré Association for medical research - 2020
- Bordeaux University Foundation - 2021
- CNRS - 2018
- Claude Bernard University Lyon CNRS International Center for Research in Infectious Diseases - 2018, 2020
- CHU Montpellier - Jean-Baptiste Desbrest Association - 2020 Inserm - 2019 I
- NRA (French National research Institute for Agriculture, food and environment)- 2018
- CHU Strasbourg - Pneumo Alsace Association - 2020
- Liège University - 2020
- Mukoviszidose e.V - Hannover Medical School - 2019
- Sorbonne University - 2018