Socio-professional integration in Romania
Focus on organic vegetable farming
The Air Liquide Foundation is supporting Ateliere Fara Frontiere and its project “BIO&CO: Cultivons la Solidarité” (Let's Cultivate Solidarity), a socio-professional integration project with a focus on organic vegetable farming in the suburbs of Bucharest, Romania.
Fighting exclusion and marginalization
According to local estimations, more than 25% of the population lives under the poverty line. Ateliere Fara Frontiere, a Romanian association founded in 2008, promotes the integration of marginalized people by creating socio-professional integration workshops. The association offers a customized integration pathway. The beneficiaries enjoy:
- social care in order to resolve their most urgent problems (addiction, violence, etc.)
- professional support to help them acquire skills and prepare for a career
The Bio&Co Farm in Romania
Integration project in Ciocanari
The integration project created by Ateliere Fara Frontiere is based on:
- growing organic vegetables
- collecting and composting organic waste disposed of by retailers and restaurants
A 4-hectare farm managed for this purpose & located in the village of Ciocanari, 50 km north of Bucharest, produces more than 80 varieties of vegetables.
The vegetables are sold in the form of weekly baskets; the incomes enable the association to continue its action.
The projects, called "BIO&CO: Cultivons la Solidarité" & Compost boost! allow the creation of 25 jobs for people having gone through a work integration program.
Ateliere Fara Frontiere
The Air Liquide Foundation's contribution
The Air Liquide Foundation is financing a heating system for the greenhouses, a cold room for storing the produce intended for sale, a green waste disposer for compost and an oxygen probe to optimize composting cycles.