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"Job dans la Ville" Academy in Pantin

Personalized support for young people with vocational guidance and access to employment

The youth unemployment rate in the priority neighbourhoods is double that of the rest of the country. The Association Sport dans la Ville is tackling this problem with various integration programs. The Air Liquide Foundation supports the "Job dans la Ville" Academy in Pantin, a new support space for young people within the Job dans la Ville program. The Academy is helping to develop the Association's professional integration actions in Ile de France.

The "Job dans la Ville" program

The role of the "Job dans la Ville" program is to encourage the training and professional integration of young people from the age of 14 from the priority districts. The program provides different levels of support depending on the young person's profile: age, school situation, etc. 

The "Job dans la Ville" Academy in Pantin in Seine-Saint-Denis (northern suburb of Paris) has two main objectives:

  1. To host vocational guidance and access to employment workshops led by the Association's teams. Each young person will be allocated a mentor from a partner company to support them for one year
  2. To promote networking of young people through meetings with:
  • the youth of the area
  • the business owners monitored by the Association within a nearby business cluster

“Job dans la Ville”, also organizes company visits and "Vis ma vie" sessions to help young people explore different professions and cultivate new career interests.

Sport dans la ville

1305 young people registered with Job dans la Ville in 2018

450 future beneficiaries of the program in Pantin

860 work experience placements carried out in 2018

450 mentoring pairs

Reestablishing equal opportunities

The program aims to re-establish equal opportunities for young people from priority neighbourhood by supporting them with vocational guidance and access to employment.
The young people are better integrated in terms of both training and employment. “Job dans la Ville” also contributes to their access to long-term employment.

82% of the youth go on to training or employment

51% of beneficiaries obtain a job with a permanent contract

How the Air Liquide Foundation is participating

The Air Liquide Foundation's grant is being used to purchase IT equipment to help the Academy's young people in their search for employment.

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