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Civil Protection - France

Shipments of donation at the Polish border and for Ukrainian hospitals

In partnership with the Association des Maires de France, the Fédération Nationale de la Protection Civile collects donations from town halls, centralizes them in a logistical base in Strasbourg and then sends them to Lublin in Poland as well as to 3 hospitals located in Ukraine (Lviv, Kiev and Kharkiv).

The conflict in Ukraine

As of April 4th, 2022, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) announced that the number of people who have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion of the country by the Russian army has reached 4 million. According to UNHCR estimates, this figure could rise to 7 million refugees.

In addition, as of March 10th, 2022, the UN World Health Agency has verified 18 attacks on health care facilities, medical personnel and ambulances, resulting in at least 10 deaths and 16 injuries, since the beginning of the Russian offensive in Ukraine on February 24.

The Civil Protection wishes to work on both issues.

Supporting Ukrainian refugees and hospitals

The association wishes to help the Ukrainian refugees by donating basic necessities products and improving temporary re-housing centers.

For the Ukrainian hospitals, the association wishes to improve the working conditions (electricity, heating) and the replacement of the destroyed heavy material.

650 tons of essential products to be sent

200 tons of heavy medical equipment to be sent

3 Helped hospitals

Sending donations

A national crisis unit opened in Pantin to supervise the actions of all the Civil Protection Associations.
At the local level, the Civil Protection Associations in each department are responsible for collecting donations from town halls before transporting them to regional logistics bases (15 to date). International transport is then organized at two national logistics bases in Strasbourg and Rungis. The convoys then travel to Poland, Slovakia and Romania, close to the border. The first road convoy (15 trucks) left on the weekend of 5-6th March and arrived at its destination on Monday 21th March in Lublin. To date, 2 road convoys are planned per week. A first rail convoy also left on March 23th, from Strasbourg, in the direction of Tulcea, Romania.
The logistics unit in Poland will then take care of the redistribution to hospitals and Ukrainian refugees.
The association is also working on setting up an air bridge.

The Air Liquide Foundation’s contribution

The Air Liquide Foundation is financing the purchase of heavy medical equipment and the logistical costs of sending the equipment to Poland and Ukraine, such as truck rentals.

Protection Civile


"I am convinced of the usefulness for the Foundation to support this project. The seriousness, the notoriety of this association and the traceability/tracking of donations even after crossing the Ukrainian border, make me give my deep encouragement as to the realization of this joint project with a long-time partner of the group."

Quentin Magnat, Branch Manager IDF Nord ORKYN