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A sensory therapy for people with intellectual disability

Creation of a snoezelen room in an Italian centre to promote the fulfillment of diversified disabilities and autism

Fondazione Renato Piatti has carried out since 1999 services for people with intellectual and relational disabilities. They take care of 495 people of all ages, welcomed in 16 centers, day-time and residential. Their model is based on the following idea “The person first and then the disabilities”: in each center, they accompany people and take care of all their needs, beyond their disability. The Air Liquide Foundation supports an innovative program: a room created to improve the wellbeing of people with disabilities.

Covid-19: Protect them even more

AWith the mandatory closure of the daily centers and of the rehabilitation centers for children, 9 of the 16 structures held by Fondazione Renato Piatti are still open and active. These structures involve 165 guests and 190 operators, with 12 staff which makes a total of 367 people totally depending on Fondazione Renato Piatti.
In order to face this situation managing the health and welfare of all the guests and the operators, the Fondazione Renato Piatti took some extraordinary security measures, that the Air Liquide Foundation chose to support: purchase of individual protection devices, sanitization cycles of the environments, interventions of compartmentalization of the spaces to guarantee social distancing as much as possible.


Air Liquide Foundation supports the Fondazione Renato Piatti during the Covid-19 crisis

What is a Snoezelen room?

A Snoezelen room appears to be a means to further support people with severe disabilities that the Fondazione Renato Piatti works for. Behind Snoezelen is a multifunctional concept: in a purposely designed room the use of light and sound elements, scents and music initiates sensual sensations. These have both relaxing and activating effects on the different perception areas. The specific design leads and arranges the stimuli: it creates interest, brings back memories and guides relationships.
Using a person-oriented approach, these rooms provide a safe and nurturing setting, becoming chance for better relationships, better engagement and therefore, better life.

Fondazione Renato Piatti

Benefits of the therapy

The project is focused on the wellbeing of person with disability. It welcomes 30 persons with different degrees of disability. More specifically, a Snoezelen room aims to enhance relaxation, functional independence, interaction with others, self awareness, communication capacities.
Hopefully, the creation of a Snoezelen room will attract more people and therefore multiply the local positive impact.

Involvement of the Air Liquide Foundation

The Air Liquide Foundation contributes to the purchase of equipment (furniture and lights) needed for the Snoezelen room.