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L’ENVOL - France

Turnkey activity kits for hospitalised children

Since 2020, L'ENVOL has been running the "L'ENVOL en kit" programme in France: personalised activity kits for hospitalised children. These educational kits are designed to help these children discover different activities and express themselves, despite the isolation they face.

Breaking the isolation of hospitalised children

Trying out improvisation theatre, discovering the technique of upcycling and becoming aware of environmental protection, expressing themselves by creating their own comic strip after understanding how this art works, or discovering abstract art and creating their own work... All children do not have access to this type of educational activity, especially sick children who are isolated at home or in hospital. They are bedridden, unable to take part in group activities organised in the hospital and, even in times of health crisis, they are confined to single rooms with few carers available to entertain them.

Educational activity kits are delivered directly to children

In order to continue to bring joy and comfort to young patients during the health crisis, the association has launched the "L'ENVOL en kit" programme. The kits are designed by an early childhood educator and adapted to the needs of hospitalised children. They are then sent directly to hospitals and associations that are partners in this programme in metropolitan France and overseas. 
The programme aims to break down the barriers between hospitals, give hospitalised children back their place as children and respond to the needs of those in charge of paediatric services. To achieve this, L'ENVOL has set itself a new goal: to design and distribute 3,300 kits for hospitalised children to 25 partner children's hospitals in France by 2023.

3,300 kits distributed to hospitalised children

25 partner paediatric services in France

Turnkey activity kits designed for children

More than 2,000 kits are produced each year for children aged 3 to 17 and sent to around twenty partner paediatric services. The activities are adapted to the age and pathology of the children and to the health rules in force in the hospitals. The children can carry out the activities in complete autonomy, as each kit contains all the necessary (and safe) materials to carry out the activity: brushes, paint, accessories, utensils, glue, disguises, etc. They also receive an activity sheet with a step-by-step description of what they can do. In addition, the kits contain small gifts adapted to the age of the children, such as comics or t-shirts.

The Fondation Air Liquide confirms its support for L’ENVOL

Building on the success of its previous partnerships with L'ENVOL, the Fondation Air Liquide has renewed its support by financing the purchase of materials for the activities and the shipment of the kits to the partner hospitals. The grant from the Fondation Air Liquide will also cover the salary of the person in charge of designing and implementing the L'ENVOL en kit programme.


"L’ENVOL does an excellent job with its financial and human resources, its work is praised by the beneficiaries and even their parents!"

Laura Begoc, monitoring manager of the project