Sports-based inclusion programs for Bobigny youth
Creation of a"But en Or" sports center to promote social and professional insertion for young people from priority neighborhoods
The Air Liquide Foundation is involved in an inclusion program for young people living in a priority neighborhood in Bobigny that enables them to participate free of charge in ongoing sports activities. This is the first step of a social and professional insertion program being implemented by the Sport dans la Ville association, which for 20 years, has actively helped with the personal development of 6,000 youth. The association, present in various neighborhoods in five French cities, selected Bobigny to open its 37th sports center.
Creation of a "But en Or" sports center
Inaugurated in September 2018, this 37th center launched by the association consists of a 1,600 m2 soccer field and a warm-up area. Neighborhood youth between the ages of 6 and 25 can participate in multiple activities offered in Sport Dans la Ville:
Free sports events (soccer and rugby) are held every Wednesday and Saturday with the association's sports educators, whose role will be to instill fundamental values, such as respect, politeness and good attendance, which are essential to employment.
Discovery programs: cultural and sports outings, vacation trips.
A job placement program called "Job Dans la Ville" provides individualized support to around 30 youth each year, in addition to company tours, mock interviews and access to internships and apprenticeships.
The "L Dans la Ville" program with dance sessions and cultural initiation activities for around 30 girls at the center.
The "‘Entrepreneurs Dans la Ville" program.
The purpose of the sports center is to become a place for the neighborhood to come together and have fun. This will help to energize the area and improve quality of life, which will benefit all the residents of Abreuvoir.
37 sports centers operating
6,500 youth per year
82% of young people in training or employed after the insertion program
The Abreuvoir priority neighborhood in Bobigny
The area was chosen in close collaboration with the city government, which wanted to strengthen its social actions. The Abreuvoir neighborhood is facing profound socio-economic challenges: nearly 65% of the population of around 6,500 inhabitants do not have a diploma or did not complete secondary school studies, the school drop-out rate is 40% and the unemployment rate is 25%, that is to say twice the national average (INSEE, 2009). The "Sport dans la Ville" project aims to address several of the needs identified after discussions with local stakeholders and residents:
Create a positive gathering place that is reassuring for residents,
Offer quality support and an educational path that creates structure for children in the neighborhood,
Propose innovative solutions to help young people acquire skills and jobs.
2018-2019 school year
Sport dans la ville
70 youth registered for sports activities
40 youth over 15 years old enrolled in “Job dans la ville” program
How the Air Liquide Foundation is participating
The Air Liquide Foundation assisted with the construction of the new sports field (leveling and excavation).