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Air Liquide and the Foundation have already backed 60 jobs-integration projects

  • Job integration

Launched in 2019 in Europe, Air Liquide's initiative to favour access to employment has already benefited thousands of young people and adults. Air Liquide teams in the field and the Fondation Air Liquide have committed to more than 60 projects, including 7 on a multi-annual basis.

Looking for innovative projects focused on results (rate of integration or reintegration into employment), Air Liquide promotes the acquisition of technical or behavioural skills, particularly in the field of safety. Essential in its support, the Fondation Air Liquide contributes to the financing and monitoring of projects.

The programme has also been extended to some underprivileged groups outside Europe.

Here  are some examples:

Zero Workplace Accidents: a safety programme with Ares in France

As the leading job placement organization in the Ile de France region (Paris), Ares helps marginalized populations - young unqualified people, refugees, people with disabilities - find stable employment. Air Liquide and its Foundation support the implementation of a  “No Workplace Accident” programme. A former Air Liquide director for safety in France was involved full-time for a year. The programme ends mid-2023.

“Ecoles de production”: preparing young people to skilled industrial jobs

The French “Ecoles de production” develop an innovative “all-in-one” scheme to train young people aged 15 to 18 years of age into technical jobs, by combining the educational and practical aspects of vocational training all in the same place. Air Liquide supports two such new schools in Cholet and Le Havre, north-western France, since 2020, thanks to the involvement of its local teams, and of the Foundation that has funded cutting-edge equipment such as plasma-cutting machines.

IT training in Johannesburg for young people from underprivileged backgrounds.

The “Sci-Bono Discovery Centre” is a South African flagship science center in South Africa.
Sci-Bono is developing a training programme for two cohorts of young people, for them to get a job in the IT sector or to enroll in further studies. Air Liquide’s local teams are engaged in Sci Bono’s programme through mentoring and  workshops, a “science-careers focus week” and charity events. The Foundation contributes to the costs of student selection,  to training fees and to work-placement costs.